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Pediatric Nursing Exam Prep 2017 :3500 Flashcards

4.8 ( 608 ratings )
Éducation Médecine
Développeur Ines Benromdhan
3.99 USD

Flashcards apps is an effective, time-tested way and helpful technique of studying. It help you study smarter, not longer. You can take advantage of studying in even in short moments of free time.

This apps value your memories, your skills, test your understanding, extend your reasoning and summaries your thoughts or apply the new information.

Pediatric Nursing app will help nurses enhance their knowledge and skills of caring from infancy to young adulthood, diagnosing illness, conducting exams, and prescribing medication.

This Application is specially aimed at making nurses proficient in the specialized area of children, across the health and illness continuum and across practice settings.

Interested nurses can enhance their skills and knowledge by downloading this application and make a career for themselves in this discipline. Any nursing graduate or diplomate.

Also, this application is downloaded and used by graduate & undergraduate students, teachers, lecturers, professionals, PhD, researchers, reviewers ..

In this application you will get over 20 Exam sets.

Remember that anyone can learn to do well and improve their scores to start doing their best. Scroll past the jump to learn to get better grades.

Now, let’s take a look at our platform that fits your needs when you revise your exams with a multi-mode study:

- Flashcards Mode:

Learn information, term and definition with the flashcard method

- Listen Mode:

Review withe the hands-free mode in the bus, car, jogging, and even in the gym.

- Exam mode:

Put you in the exam conditions with the question and answer method and evaluate your level and progress.

- Random quiz:

Enjoy yourself with random questions to test your memory.

- Slideshow mode:

Relax you in revision of the flashcards which is auto-change

The app is simple, no need to set-up or subscription, just open and start studying, free of ads, work offline,

Please contact us if you have any feedback, comments, questions or suggestions. Our Customer Service is available 24/24